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Astro Alloy the four members of Astro Alloy sitting on a park bench

Astro Alloy is a fun punk band from Philadelphia, PA.

Available for international stadium tours and birthday parties: booking at astro alloy dot com

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CART Studios II: Electric Boogaloo

Back at CART! Lauren & I recorded guitars for an EP that'll come out some time later. We've got vocals to track next. (We do have an album coming out in a few weeks, this is another separate thing!)

We got to do something cool in the studio with Matias: rather than piece together each guitar track individually, Lauren & I played our parts live together at the same time and positioned the microphones to let both our amps bleed into each other. This should give a full, live sound that we couldn't have achieved otherwise. Very few overdubs. Pretty much the opposite of what I did when tracking guitars by myself in the Eighteen days.

We were supposed to play a show that same evening but Matt got the 'rona. The first show we had to drop! Ah well!

Back to the Studio

Hourglass & I spent this afternoon at CART Studios to record drums for some new songs. We've worked with Matias before and he's great. Drums are notoriously difficult to get right in the studio so I don't take for granted that the session was easy and fun. Credit to the skill of both of them.

For one of the weirder songs (which Hourglass describes as "three different genres") he set up his kit with two different snares and switched between them. Then we added some extra percussion after.

I have big ideas for this project but I don't know what the end result will be. I hope it will be something cool. For now, things are sounding great!

West Philly Porchfest

Thank you for our biggest show yet! We had no idea if anyone would show up, and by the end of our set there were over 100 people, enough to block the street. It was hot enough in direct sunlight to start melting the power cable to Lauren's pedals (?!) and wow at one point I thought I was gonna pass out because I didn't drink enough water (!!). So, lots to learn from this one.

Special thanks to Flower Clvb, the beautiful flower shop that hosted us and, more importantly, dealt with the noise complaints because we were just too punk rock. Rock'n'Roll!

We Got Merch!

Look at this awesome merch Lauren made! DIY patches, earrings and free stickers! More to come. No online store, if you wanna buy you gotta come to one of our shows ;)

WXPN 24-Hour Song Challenge

Philly's local public radio station, WXPN, did their first-ever "24-Hour Song Challenge" where musicians were given 24 hours to write and perform an original song with a given prompt. This year's prompt was "summertime". We wrote a song called Winter Mood, which you can check out on YouTube or click the pic above. Check out the other 400+(!!) submissions here!

Guitar Tabs

omg! you can view guitar tabs for the entire Eighteen album right here on! clicky da link

Apologies to anyone who has no idea what we're talking about.

Debut Album - Eighteen

An album about the liminal space between adult and teenager.

Where to Listen

If you want to support the band please buy a digital copy of the album on Bandcamp.

Since physical copies currently don't exist, peruse this website for lyrics + stream-of-conscious album notes.

Social Media

We are begrudgingly on Instagram. Please follow if that's your thing: @astro.alloy

We are not on anything else.